Secretary of State confirms that Gender Plus can continue to prescribe GnRHa to patients aged 16 and 17 

On May 29th, 2024, the Conservative government issued a temporary ban on the prescribing of GnRH analogues (also known as Puberty Blockers). The ban, which applies to prescriptions written by UK private doctors and those registered in the European Economic Area or Switzerland, states that no new patients under the age of 18 in England, Wales and Scotland will be given hormones to suppress puberty if they are experiencing gender dysphoria.

While the Gender Plus Hormone Clinic does not use GnRHa to block puberty, this medication is also used as an important part of the feminising protocol, in line with the recommended approach to the prescribing of gender affirming hormones outlined by NHSE in this document.

As such, we were unsure how the ban would impact those service users aged 16 and 17 using GnRHa as part of a feminising hormone pathway.  To that end on June 11th we sought clarification via our legal representatives from the Secretary of State.

We have now received a response which has confirmed that we can continue to prescribe GnRH medication as part of a gender affirming hormone pathway to patients aged 16 years and above. 

Importantly, as well as continuing to serve our existing service users, we now have confirmation that Gender Plus is also able to take over the care of new patients, commencing or transferring from another provider, who may wish to access a gender affirming hormone pathway which can include GnRHa. 

To find out more about how to transfer your care to the Gender Plus Hormone Clinic, the UK’s only CQC registered gender identity clinic serving those aged 16 years plus, click here