Gender Plus in the Media

Gender Plus is a gender healthcare and education service serving the UK and Ireland.

We understand that the media and general public is interested in transgender healthcare. We believe that we have a role to play in contributing towards a balanced, compassionate, and informed discussion.

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Private youth gender clinic approved by regulator

BBC News

Link here 16th January 2024

Dr Aidan Kelly’s view on the recent RTE Prime Time episode…

Article in Gay Community News (Ireland) 19th December 2023

Link here

Compassion is key to solving the transgender healthcare crisis 

Article in Gay Community News (Ireland) 9th November 2023

Written by Dr Aidan Kelly

There is a lot of misinformation and confusion when it comes to healthcare for transgender and gender diverse individuals. 

Although Ireland has taken some socially progressive steps in LGBT rights, becoming the first country to approve same sex marriage in 2015, the truth is that it currently has one of the worst provisions of transgender healthcare in Europe. In fact, Ireland was ranked in last place on the European Union’s Trans Health Map which shows the overall status of trans-specific healthcare in each EU member state. 

While there are often strong views expressed in the media about what access to healthcare should look like for this patient cohort, many of those that work in the field internationally are aligned in their approach in terms of how best to treat and care for one of the most marginalised groups in our society. 

First and foremost transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people need care and compassion, to be respected and to feel heard. There are sadly a higher number of psychological and social difficulties faced by these individuals and these need to be supported, but this should not be at the expense of being able to access appropriate gender healthcare. 

Stakeholder engagement is key to understanding the needs of any patient group and transgender healthcare is no different. People are complex and when it comes to healthcare the answers to the challenges they face are rarely black or white. We must involve TGD people at every stage of the process, so that they are active participants in shaping the provision of their care, this is vital if we are to achieve better engagement and outcomes for all. 

Currently in Ireland there is an inaccessible adult gender service with waiting lists of up to three and a half years. For those under the age of 18 there is no Irish service at all. This lack of care provision has resulted in thousands of TGD people in Ireland accessing care online, many without proper assessments or essential medical oversight. This is a failure of our healthcare system and, if we are honest, a poor reflection on our society more broadly. 

Instead of arguing over who uses what bathroom, we need to remind ourselves that trans and non-binary people are our family members, friends and neighbours. They deserve to have a voice in the healthcare that will directly impact them. 

While it is easy to be drawn in by the divisive narratives published and promoted by certain sections of society whose motives are unclear, this does little more than cause further harm to this marginalised group. 

Although medical interventions can be an important part of a trans or non-binary person's journey, the social factors of acceptance, inclusion, and feeling listened to can be just as important in helping people to find comfort and acceptance of the parts of themselves which cause the most distress. 

Dr Aidan Kelly is a clinical psychologist specialising in the area of gender identity, he is also the director of Gender Plus a service which provides holistic healthcare for gender diverse people.

Times Radio

6th September 2023 Morning Breakfast

credit: Jo Crawford, Times Radio multimedia reporter

Times Radio Interview

Jo Crawford, Times Radio multimedia reporter, interviews Gender Plus service director Dr Aidan Kelly.

reproduced with permission from Times Radio YouTube channel