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Gender Specialists

Gender Plus is a gender healthcare and education service serving the UK and Ireland. We provide specialist multi-disciplinary based gender assessment, support and treatment services with a developmental approach. We also deliver training and education relevant to our clinical work and expertise.

We are a team of clinicians specialising in gender identity with related qualifications and skills in delivering psychological therapies as well as neurodevelopment assessment and support. This is in addition to specialist gender assessment and endocrine expertise. Gender Plus has been set-up to meet the need for timely access to high quality gender care that is person centred, holistic, respectful and comprehensive. Our team are experts in the field (many have worked for several years in NHS gender services) and feel passionately about the rights of the transgender and non-binary population to access appropriate care.

Our healthcare services are for children, adolescents and adults.

Our Services

  • We provide specialist gender assessment for children, adolescent and young adults, including family where appropriate.

    A full gender assessment is conducted and recommendations made. Where appropriate the report can be used as an onward referral to an appropriate endocrine or surgical team.

    Specialist gender assessments vary in the number of meetings required, however as we take a developmental approach, it tends to take at least 6 meetings over 6 months. For those under 18 years, at least one appointment must take place in-person.

    For those aged over 18, the process may involve fewer appointments, typically 2-3. The session number may vary depending on the client’s needs. A full specialist gender assessment report can be provided where relevant.

    Our practice is guided by WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) Standards of Care and NHS Service Specifications for Gender Services.

  • These non-assessment sessions are for those people and/ or families that need therapeutic support or exploration pre or post-assessment.

    This service also covers those who have completed a specialist gender assessment and require ongoing gender support while on a hormone pathway.

  • Post-assessment referral to our associated hormone clinic is available to those aged 16 years+.

    The pathway is available to transgender and non-binary people in line with current NHS gender service specifications for adolescents and adults.

    Hormone clinics are running in Dublin & Birmingham.

    We also accept transfer of care requests from those on hormone treatment with another provider. See for more details.

  • We conduct the Autism Assessment process in line with NICE guidelines and NHS standards, i.e. via a multi-disciplinary team and with respect to different settings (young person, parent, school).

    First we complete an initial needs based assessment and complete screening questionnaires. We may need to liaise with a teacher at school that knows the child or young person well.

    Then there is a standardised assessment with the young person, called the ADOS-II. It needs to be in-person and lasts for up to 90mins.

    There is also a parent assessment, again a structured set of questions. That one is called the 3Di parent interview and can be done virtually.

    Each assessment (ADOS and 3Di) is done by a different person (a Clinical Psychologist and an Occupation Therapist) both with many years experience in neurodevelopmental assessment. Those two clinicians then meet to discuss their assessment results and agree a diagnosis.

    Lastly, a feedback session is completed to explain the outcome and recommendations before a summary report is then shared with the family.

About Us

Gender Plus has been set up to meet the need for timely access to high quality gender care that is person centred, holistic, respectful and comprehensive. Our team are experts in the field and feel passionately about the rights of the transgender and non-binary population to access appropriate care.

We are committed to offering a comprehensive gender service, in line with best practice standards, for each of our clients. We provide our clients with access to specialist clinical skills and expert knowledge acquired over many years working at NHS gender services.